Right then. I need all my loyal readers opinions on this matter.

Shall I stick with WordPress.com or should I transfer over to blogger?

I think that being honest the only reason I am on WordPress is that there is an app available that allows me to basically blog from my BlackBerry without having to use my BB browser, which when it comes to posting things on the internet is pretty poor. Another reason I am already thinking about moving is that I am not happy with the themes/Layouts of WordPress.

If Blogger had a BlackBerry app then the choice would be easy indeed. I know I can send emails to a blogger site but there’s not the option to edit the post if I see something wrong and some nights I don’t have time to go on my laptop to edit which is why an app is Ideal.

Now if you guys say that hey Blogger is best then I will give a bit more weight to moving.

And just to add, I am not happy with the way my blog looks yet I don’t like or cannot get it how I would like to on WordPress.

Comments/Opinions please.

Categories: General
  1. January 2, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Hi Brian,

    For me it has to be WordPress, but with the addition of saying it has to be selfhosted WordPress, as the level of custimisation, free skins ect is second to none.

    If thats not an option for you and you want blogger but not to post in browser then you can configure email to post. It will give you a unique email address (somthing like shws67w3js@blogger.com) and you email your post to that and viola, the post is live.

    But give some thought to self hosting, you can get free hosting alot of places or get cheap paid hosting, and you can get a free domain from gbbo too.

  2. Alice
    January 4, 2012 at 4:35 pm

    I vote for blogger. I am so much happier with it I got fed up with wordpress and the silly ways you can’t change the layout, the way they make you pay for premium themes and just found most of the themes to be quite ugly tbh. blogger is a lot easier to customize.

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